His name is JESUS

โ€œShe will bear a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus [the Greek form of the Hebrew Joshua, which means Savior], for He will save His people from their sins [that is, prevent them from failing and missing the true end and scope of life, which is God].โ€ MATTHEW 1:21 AMPC Have you met [โ€ฆ]

His name is JESUS

What we say when we are angry..

Hi guys, ๐Ÿ–

It’s been a while since I posted here. Anyway, today I will be giving you some juicy details about something that happened to me this last Saturday.

So, my brother was sick( like very sick), and he was sleeping all day. Everyone in the house was panicking, especially me๐Ÿ˜”. I was so worried. So, we got him drugs and later finally got him to eat.

Before I knew it, I did his laundry for him and helped him do other stuff. Then, at a point, I sat down beside him to reminisce on the fun times we’ve had together. As I did this, I then remembered our funny little fights, where we’d yell at each other at the top of our lungs. And I will tell him- “I hate you.”

But now, as I sat beside his bedpost, I discovered that those words were not true. They were just words we said to each other when we were angry. I realized that I didn’t hate him, but rather I love him.

Although this experience was for a short period, as he got better later in the day, it taught me many things. It taught me that most of the time, we don’t mean what we say when we are angry. Most of the time, we are just hurt, pained, frustrated, and enraged, and we try to vent our anger in any way we can.

It also taught me that we should be careful of what we say when we are angry, as these words might hurt others and create an unintentional bridge between us.

So guys, let’s be mindful of the words we utter when we are angry.

So that will be all for now; I hope you guys enjoyed this and that you also learned from it.

I’ll see you guys later, have a great day, ๐Ÿ‘‹.

Too scared…

A poem

I'm too scared to love
Cause hurt is all
It seems to bring.
I'm too hurt to fall for one
Or feel a thing
Cause hurt is all I feel
I'm numb from pain
Don't even know how to love again it seems
Cause everytime I try to
It comes back just to hurt me
And some times I can't help but feel at fault
For all the hurt
That comes my way.

And though now, I can't seem to help how I feel about you
Or stop myself from fallin' for you
I still can't allow myself to love or be loved by you
Cause deep down, I know
It will all end with a frown and I'll shed a tear or two.

So, I can't allow myself to fall
Cause this is all a mirage I'm sure.
And now I sit afraid, though still waiting for that moment when it all fades away and the only I can feel is pain.....

Tabitha ยฎ
Feeling perhaps ๐Ÿคญ
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